Wednesday, December 2, 2015

to the friends I didn't see coming

Everyone told me all about you. They hyped you up. They promised me that you'd be funny and sweet and kind and wonderful. They said I'd love you for life, and you'd love me right back. I mean they really hyped you up.

I was skeptical. I was scared. I had scars from past friendships gone wrong. I am a bit stubborn, a bit guarded, a bit (okay a lot) overbearing. I didn't all they way believe everyone who told me about you. I took their words with a grain of salt. I didn't let it sit too deeply in my heart. I tried to stay rational. Not everything works out. Friendships end. Not everyone will get you. Don't let them in too quickly. Keep your distance. Play it cool. Play it cool. Play it cool.

I was wrong. I admit it. I'll eat my words. I'll swallow my pride. I'll say "they were right."

You, my dear friends, are a gift. A very wonderful, smart, kind, funny gift. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me laugh until I cry. I am forever grateful for your understanding hearts, your ridiculous jokes, your warm hugs, your late night hang-outs.

I didn't expect how good you'd be to me. I didn't expect to love you like sisters. I didn't expect to know everything about you. I didn't expect that I'd love you fiercely and fight for you wholeheartedly and support you unendingly.

I don't remember the moment I met you. I don't remember the moment that I realized I'd want to spend the next four years being your friend. God--in His infinite wisdom and grace and mercy and goodness--simply set you before me (thank you Jesus).

So to you, sweet friends, I say thank you. I cherish our friendship. I cherish YOU.

//Don't worry about me, family. I miss you like WOAH, but I found a sweet, sweet second family to watch over me when I'm a thousand mile away from you//

//And to you, who wait and sit and wait some more for those people who "just get it," God sees you. He's got your people. They might just be living somewhere else--waiting for you too//

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