Saturday, August 8, 2015

To the planners

Let's start this out by setting one thing straight: our timelines and God's timelines don't match up. Our plans for our lives and God's plans for our lives don't always line up.

There, now that we have that out of the way, let me chat for a sec. I am a planner. If you know me, you know that I plan for every situation, worst case scenario, or plan B that could possibly arise. I have an idea of how I'd like things to go: my college experience, my career, my friendships, (even my arguments are carefully constructed should the moment arise.)

My "planner mentality" is one that God is continually working to crumble right before my very eyes. As wonderful and loving as He is, He could care less how I've planned my life right down to the very last minute detail. He has bigger and better things for me, so He's not afraid to completely shut me down--which I'm learning is FAR better than anything I could plan for myself.

Our God is not moved by the ways of this world. He is not swayed by the current trends of today or the political climate or worldly desires. He is bigger and stronger and wiser and COOLER. When he sees us, He sees how His calling on our lives plays out. He sees His masterpiece--a work of art that is far more beautiful than the one we may try to create on our own.

Our God sees our dreams, our aspirations, our hopes, and our goals; He's the one who put those callings on our hearts! When He changes our plans, He's not changing/disregarding/ignoring our dreams; He just knows that our way was never going to get us to where He called us to be, so He has to tweak a few things. In the moment--when those plans suddenly fall to pieces--it doesn't feel like He's there. You feel crushed and defeated; shocked and scared; confused and lost; I know because I've been there. Our God loves us, but He doesn't like a planner. He sees us and says, "It's a nice try, but I got this one." He crushed our teeny, human plans because his big, glorious plans are far more exciting.

So my advice to you? Just sit. Sit in the uncomfortable tension that is broken plans. Sit in the quiet, sit in the fear, sit in the anger. Just sit and trust and know that the hurt will pass, the fear will pass, the "unknowing" will pass; and God--who is perfect and just and holy--will make something extraordinary out of your broken plans. Doesn't He promise us that He will never leave us nor forsake us? Hasn't He made a way for us in the wilderness, and streams of hope in our wasteland? He takes care of us, He is big and bold, and He loves us fiercely.

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